Liturgical Ministries



Eucharistic Ministers - Like the disciples in the story of the miracle of the loaves and fishes, Eucharistic ministers help the Lord by distributing His Body and Blood to the entire assembly. They are the waiters at the Lord's Supper to which all are invited. Eucharistic ministers remind the assembly that the Eucharist belongs to the entire assembly of Believers, something we do, not something we watch. Contact Deacon Brian Crim at 304-229-8945 or for more information.

Lectors - The reader is the storyteller of the community, the one who proclaims the written Word of God,making it come alive for us. St. Paul writes in his second letter to Timothy, "The sacred scripture (is) the source of wisdom which through faith in Jesus Christ leads to salvation". From the very beginning the church, gathered together for the Eucharist, they listened to the Word of God. It is there that Christ shows Himself to us. Lectors must read, practice and prepare to read at the ambo, in a deliberate, slow, and clear voice so that the words on the page come alive for those listening. Contact Fay Smith for more information at 304-229-4941 or

Greeters - Ushers are the first to welcome the parish family. They greet, help someone find a seat, collect the monetary gifts that the family gives, that allow the work of the Church to continue. Please contact Deacon Brian Crim for more information at or 304-229-8945.

Altar Servers- Servers are a model to the assembled family. It is important that they sing, respond, keep silent, and pray at the proper times. Their second function is to help the flow of the Eucharistic Liturgy by holding the Sacramentary, assisting during the reception of the gifts and preparation of the altar. Youth who have received First Holy Communion are welcome to attend altar server training. Please contact Deacon Brian Crim for more information at 304-229-8945 or